4 Factors That Impact Tree Removal Timing

Removing a standing tree from your property can be a question of timing. In ideal circumstances, trees are best removed during the dormant season when they aren't in full leaf. Removing during dormancy is also kinder to neighborhood wildlife, as it won't be during nesting season or when young ones are living in the tree. Of course, there are situations that may mean an earlier removal is necessary.

1. Tree Stability

An unstable tree is a highly dangerous tree. Cracks in the trunk or leaning are both signs of stability issues that could result in the tree crashing down to the ground. Churned-up soil around the roots is another sign of poor stability, as this occurs when the root ball is rotting so the tree is no longer anchored well against high winds. Prompt removal, regardless of season, is necessary when the tree is unstable. 

2. Damage Risks

Damage can occur even if the main trunk of the tree is still stable. Trees that are dropping branches or that have large dead branches in the crown are especially a risk. Falling branches can puncture through a roof or cause injury to someone below. Tree roots can also pose a risk. Roots can put pressure against home foundations, damage paved areas, or invade the sewer line. If damage is a concern, then remove the tree immediately.

3. Wildfire Prevention

In some areas, wildfire or fire from lightning strikes can be a major concern. There may even be regulations in place requiring the prompt removal of dead trees, particularly those that are growing in high-risk zones such as near a house or building. Remove the tree immediately if there are fire concerns and the tree is dead or contains a lot of dead wood. Still living trees without dead wood can be removed when they are dormant in fall or winter.

4. Pest Concerns

Although living trees are typically removed during the dormant season after the leaves drop, there are times when they should be removed immediately. This is when a pest or disease is the reason for removal. Highly destructive pests, like emerald ash borers, or very contagious diseases, such as verticillium wilt, can spread quickly to nearby healthy trees if you don't act fast to have the affected tree removed. Not should the tree be removed, but all wood and debris should also be hauled off-site to be destroyed.

Contact a tree removal service like Peru’s Tree Service Inc.  if you need to have any landscape trees assessed for removal.
