When you need tree removal done, you should have your tree removal specialist come over right away. It's not OK to put off this service until you feel you have more time or money to get it done, nor should you hesitate to have this landscape need met for other reasons.
Explore some of the reasons why you shouldn't hesitate to have any tree removal services taken care of. Your tree expert will first come to your home and do a look around to see what your property needs, then they will give you a quote for the services.
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A tree can wreak a lot of havoc that will at first go unseen because the problem is occurring underground, in your home's main sewer line. Tree roots will invade the line to seek out water and nutrients, leading to troublesome clogs. Sometimes removal of the tree is the best option.
1. Tree Type and Size
Certain types of trees are more likely to cause issues with the sewer line. For example, cottonwoods and river birch, much like other wetland species, have extensive root systems that will branch out densely in the search for water.
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Removing a standing tree from your property can be a question of timing. In ideal circumstances, trees are best removed during the dormant season when they aren't in full leaf. Removing during dormancy is also kinder to neighborhood wildlife, as it won't be during nesting season or when young ones are living in the tree. Of course, there are situations that may mean an earlier removal is necessary.
1. Tree Stability
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You may have seen some signs advertising hazardous tree removal services. Maybe a local tree care company has left flyers in your mailbox offering a discount on this service. Or, perhaps your HOA has some rules that reference hazardous tree removal. If such situations have you scratching your head and wondering "what's a hazardous tree?" then you are not alone. It's a good idea to know what makes a tree hazardous so that if you do spot a hazardous tree, you recognize it and are able to call pros to have it removed.
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If you've had a tree split apart or something similar and the tree is a danger to your home, you'll need to call an emergency tree service to take a look at the situation. Even if it's in the middle of the night, you can call for 24-hour emergency tree services. Here's a look at what the tree service might do.
Assess The Situation
The tree professional needs to take a close look at the problem, especially if it's dark or stormy.
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